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Children's Sunday School

Family Ministry is pleased to offer Sunday School classes for children. Classes begin at 9:25 AM, which gives families the opportunity to both worship together and to learn an age-appropriate lesson. While teens and adults will be engaged by a sermon, elementary-aged children will participate in more interactive lessons in their Sunday School classes. Classes end at 10:00.

Room 4: Ages 4-6

This class will be taught by a rotation of teachers assisted by teenagers. During the fall, participants will learn about a different Old Testament Bible story each Sunday. After Christmas, the class will shift to New Testament stories. Children will learn about Biblical people and events through listening to a Bible story, playing with toys that have the same theme, and playing games or activities that correspond to the lesson. Teachers will form relationships with the children and their parents, and they will lead children in prayer to encourage them in this daily habit.

Room 1: Ages 7-10

Elementary-aged children will participate in this class that is taught by a rotation of teachers. The curriculum is divided into four- to six-week thematic units supported by scripture. The first two units are “Live in the Light” and “Everyday Heroes.” Teachers will help students learn how to use their Bibles to find the scripture passages and encourage the children to make connections between the scripture and the theme of the lesson. Games, activities, object lessons, and crafts will be used to help students make meaning out of the classes. Relationship-building, prayer, and discipleship are emphasized with these children who are building their Christian habits.

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