Don't miss Game Night on Sunday October 8!
The Presbyterian Youth Council is bringing together youth from churches across the Presbytery of Cincinnati. We'll gather here at Madeira-Silverwood from 5:00 to 7:30 PM to enjoy fun games, great fellowship, snacks and dinner.
You'll also get to help people around the world. The Youth Council invites all our churches to collect gently worn shoes to be donated to Soles4Souls. All types, sizes, and styles are welcome. These shoes will help children in the developing world attend school with dignity and pride. Adults will have better prospects for employment. People of all ages will have protection against injury and disease. The gift of shoes seems simple to us, but it can be life changing for many people around the world. At Game Night, we'll sort and bag up the shoes for delivery to Soles4Souls. (Learn more about Soles4Souls)
Don't miss this great opportunity to make friends with other Presbyterian youth from around the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area. We'll see you on October 8!