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Newsletter: December 2021

An Invitation to Pause & Remember This Advent Season (see the post here)
Stewardship Note:

As the year comes to a close, we’re asking for your continued financial support. If you made a pledge and are unsure if the balance has been met, please call or email the office at If you have fulfilled your pledge or were unable to make one but are able to give now, please consider making a year- end gift through the online giving link on the church website, dropping it in the offering plate or sending a check to the office. We are looking forward to a wonderful Advent season and many exciting opportunities to worship together, we hope you are able to join us!

Women’s Advent Event—Tuesday, December 7 @ 7:00pm

The story will be “The LonesomeTraveler.” There will be beautiful music and songs, a story, and the candlelight singing of Silent Night. We hope you can join us. This is a delightful opportunity to bring friends and family as guests to enjoy the beginning of celebrating the birth of Jesus.


Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Important news for fun loving MSPC members (50 years and over).

On January 13, 2022 we will begin a new and improved luncheon event for couples, singles, widows and widowers at 11:30am. Restaurant to be determined and a different restaurant will be used each month. Mark your calendar and come join in the fellowship experience with the “Munch Bunch.”


Westminster College

New Wilmington PA, one of the nation’s leading liberal arts schools, is associated with PC(USA) and is inviting Presbyterian congregations to identify and nominate rising high school seniors to receive a minimum $21,000 per year scholarship if accepted to its Young Presbyterian Scholars program. Information and the forms can be found on at: Check it out!


Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child

Thank you for your generosity. We collected 47 boxes for Samaritan’s Purse.

Hanging of the Greens, November 27

The glow of the season has arrived at MSPC. Special thanks to everyone for their help. Join us for
Boxing of the Greens, Saturday, January 8, 2022.


Marvels with the Minister beginning on December 12, 2021!

The self-proclaimed Madeira-Silverwood Church Marvel Superheroes #1 Geek, aka Pastor Russell Smith, will host a monthly series of Marvel movies! The program will begin with a short talk about the Biblical themes present in the movie. In anticipation of the upcoming release of Spiderman: No Way Home, our Episode #1 of the Marvels with the Minister series will feature a Spiderman mov- ie. Marvel-geeks of all ages are invited. Mark your calendars for December 12, January 23, and February 20, beginning at 4:30 pm.


The Living Light Cantata, Sunday, December 19 at 10:00am

The MSPC choir is presenting a Christmas cantata again this year. Beautifully composed by Ruth Elaine Schramm, The Living Light tells the Christmas story through the eyes of the people who were there. We'll hear from Mary, Joseph, the innkeeper, shepherds, wise men, and even a citizen of Bethlehem. We might even get the perspective of a Roman soldier. Susan Deyo has secured costumes and actors for the various speaking parts, and she is working with them as we present this cantata in drama form. The presentation will include an 11 piece orchestra. As we incorporate this into our worship, please remember to give glory to God!


Transforming Jail Ministries—

The mission committee is inviting everyone to bake cookies for the local ministry “Transforming Jail Ministries.” They provide cookies to people incarcerated as well as the correction officers on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. Please bring cookies to church on Sunday, December 19. Directions for baking and packing are below. For information, visit For questions, contact the church.


1. Cookies should be 2-3” in diameter.
2. Allow cookies to dry before packing.
3. Pack cookies flat in a protective box with wax paper or cardboard between layers.

4. Do not put cookies in plastic bags.





8000 Miami Ave, Madeira, OH 45243  ·  513-791-4470  ·

© 2023 Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church

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